One of the early adopters of VisitorVerdict, the Library and Museum of Freemasonry near Covent Garden, London received survey responses from almost 1,500 of its visitors over the course of its first two years of participation. This was a fantastic return, given the context of c.30,000 visitors in total each year.
The museum has embedded the importance of the survey within the organization, including the engagement of its volunteers in the collection of email addresses for inclusion in the survey.
Key insights from VisitorVerdict which have highlighted issues for the museum for the first time include:
- Low footfall through the shop compared with industry benchmarks:Â resulting in consideration of shop location, signage and prompt instructions to tour guide leaders
- Visitors predominantly from the Topic Interest motivation segment:Â visitors more likely than the industry to have a pre-existing interest in the subject matter of the museum prior to their visit. Implications for content should there be greater depth of interpretation for these visitors or the opportunity to share their own knowledge?
- Visit experience better for Topic Interest than Broadening Horizons motivation segment:Â deliver well to those with an inherent interest but what about those (central London tourists) who just want an introduction to the subject?
- Guided tour is the visit highlight:Â ratings for the guided tour way above industry benchmarks. Should this be a marketing focus or at least promoted actively to visitors once inside?